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Ranges are OPEN for business! Posted by SafeSide Owners | 05.13.2020

Welcome to the new (temporary) SafeSide! We have missed the soothing sound of gunfire ringing throughout the building and all of your beautiful faces! Please read through the list below as it will answer many of your questions and position you for a successful range visit.


  1. We have resumed normal operating hours for the 25 yard bays in both locations. (Sunday 1pm-6pm, Monday-Saturday 9am-8pm)
  2. Rifle bay will not be open at this time. We are hoping to make that happen early June.
  3. Only 1 person may use a lane (max 4 shooters per bay). We are seeking clarification on members of same households to see if they can share a lane. As of today, there is no lane sharing.
  4. Reservations are required prior to arrival (the website now programmed with availability to keep our counts where they have to be) w/ a $10 non-refundable fee. CLICK HERE TO RESERVE YOUR LANE (We are working on improving the "flow" of the reservation system over the next few weeks to make the process easier)
  5. For now, we will only offer 30min sessions (no day passes) ($16) 
  6. The $10 reservation fee will be applied towards the $16 30-min pass (so balance due of $6 for instance before adding targets, ammo, etc)
  7. For now, with memberships suspended until June 1, members who were in good standing March 23 will need to pay the $10 reservation fee, but will NOT be charged the $6 balance. 1 Free target will be honored
  8. Our hope is to adjust the web reservation system over the next few weeks to allow members to make their reservations at no charge once memberships are resumed.
  9. We will not have firearm rentals available at this time
  10. Eye/Ear protection is purchase-only or bring-your-own (no rentals)
  11. Waivers must be completed on your own device (if you haven’t completed one, or haven’t updated since October 2019) Click here to do your waiver
  12. Please follow marks on floor for proper social distancing when in line for check-in
  13. IDs will not be held. You will be given a paper lane card which you can throw away after your session or the RSO will assign you a lane. You will be asked to show us the barcode on any ammo you are purchasing so we can scan it. We will touch as few items as possible.
  14. For now, we will “close” your tab at the beginning of the transaction so you do not need to come back to range desk unless you need to add targets, ammo, etc after you are in the bay
  15. Each lane used will be cleaned after every shooter. Door handles and other contact points will be cleaned once per hour.
  16. Staff are required to wear face coverings – customers are encouraged to do so. Masks are available for purchase at the range desk
  17. Diamond members may use the lounge as long as they maintain social distancing. We are working on exclusive lane reservations for the Diamond bay but anticipate it will be June 1 before those are in place.
  18. Some classes will resume in May. Those with cancelled sessions will be contacted first with updated availability. Additional classes will resume in June.
  19. RSO’s will be visible, but less “chatty”. For now, we are asking them not to enter a lane unless there is a malfunction or safety concern.
  20. All of these items are subject to change, and present an outline of our temporary change to policies at SafeSide. We will adjust these as needed based on further guidance from CDC, VDH, executive orders, and customer/staff feedback. We appreciate your business and your patience as we slowly get the ranges back opened.

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